Miss M
Miss M
Miss M
Yes, she is forcing me to learn, forcing me to go to examine how I do things...
Sensitive horses!
One thing I am starting to realize is that if you are riding a sensitive horse there are a couple things to take into consideration
1. When your riding, do you ever start to look around and say
"Ut-Oh" that thing over there may spook little Miss M and she may go bucking, cantering around like a mad horse, so I cant go over there...
and "Ut-Oh" that other horse is acting up and it may cause little Miss M to act up and so I cant ride by that horse...
or "Ut-Oh" here comes that truck that backfires and we cant ride by it because it may spook little Miss M..
Well dears, let me tell you, while you are worrying about those things, your riding is degraded and your horse is picking up on it...
Dont wait for the trouble, go get it.
Case in point. While warm up riding Miss M this morning I could tell something was spooking her outside the round pen. She when I mounted her I could see that it was a big piece of farm equipment left right outside the round pen walls.
Why they do that I dont know but....
So I played a game with her..
Canter up to the spooky then, then canter away...
Walk up to the spooky thing, then canter away...
You get it...
Same thing in the spooky dressage arena. I know she gets spooked when the horses on the other side of the fence buck up, and she can not see them very well...
Well lets go get em.. !!! Now lets canter away from them!!!
Yeah.. Great, what a rockstar!!!
One hoofstep at a time...
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