Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Its all in the details.

If you don't know I had my first accident with Miss M..

Who I now fondly call Rocket..

You see Rocket, has a thing about things around her head... Call it trama..

So we riding in the big arena, when out of the scary tree flys a big fat raven, right at her cute little head... And she said

"ARRGGGAAAHHHHAAAAHHHHHHHHHH " - Houston, we have lift off "

Rocket, errr I mean Miss M takes off at 260* at mach speed...

I being the dumb ass, instead of going with my horse, have rope burn from trying stupidly to hang on to the reins as I lose my balance to the right and duh, hang on, while she picks up speed, only to release the rein to fall to earth with a thud...

Damn it

So after Miss M does a loop of the arena, she comes back up to me, head on, walking, saying..

"Hey? Why did you leave me?"...

I dunno M, I think I am just a dumb ass...

I try to release all the pain I am feeling in the earth, give her a big rub on her head, and get back on...

What more can you do...

But that incident got into my head..

Got me wondering, as my arm turned into some Night before Christmas colored thing...and my left side ached... Why oh Why didn't I take up .. oh surfing or something...

Well I didn't..

So I was licking my wounds over the last day and thought what can I do to prevent that..

I knew the tree was giving her issues... So I should have been prepared..

So now I put back the night latch on my saddle..

And today when I rode her, I held on to that thing, when I knew she was not 100% or a $100 bet..

Problem solved..

Hi ho!

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