Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Common Sense is not Common!

So you would think I would have learned...

Over the weekend I went to a Ricky Quinn Clinic.. He is a great by the way, if you get a chance go ride with him.

So I was not going to be able to ride all four days, so I signed up for two. I was planning on riding Phooka.. Even when he gets cranky, I am still able to handle him.. And when he gets really bad he just takes off at a gallop and I can ride that... So I figure with my injured ribs I was going to be ok.

I had got Bonnie my trainer signed up to ride my red mare, as I knew I was not going to be able to handle her if she got spooky because I was still pretty sore, and have been tired more then usual as my body heals up.

So we turned all the horses out into a big pasture.  Saturday morning I get up go out to get Phooka and you know what.. he is lame... Poop!

Well lucky enough for me Mack offers for me to ride Jack in the afternoon class and it works out pretty good.

Well the next day he knows they will be riding pretty hard so a friend of mine offers me one of her horses.
Now I had watched the horse the previous day and he seemed pretty let down so I figure no issue.

So I saddle him up, do some ground work and he seems pretty good. So I mount up, work on some transitions, walk, stop, walk trot, walk, back up.. Turn on the hind and he seems alright. So i figure I will work on the canter transition to check that gear, and the moment... the moment my foot slipped back to ask for the left lead he starts a bucking...

Well after the first couple hops when he realizes I am still there he starts to put some real effort into it... and off I go...

shit shit shit shit shit...

Now you all know I was playing that reel over in my head... playing it over and over... shudda woulda coulda done it differently...

Never been on the horse, never seen him go through his gears... shit shit shit....

So I land on the other side, not the broken side... and now figure I am even on both sides...

Lesson 1
new horse = ride like colt starting.

What I should have done was take that thing into the round pen and really checked it out before ever going into the arena.

Lesson 2
Why the *uck did I not grab my night latch? What the hell?
My mind just locked up and I was a dart looking for a place to land...

Anyone want to go to bronc riding school with me because I am ass dumb when it comes to this!

Lesson 3
If you are busted up, dont ride a horse you dont know, anyways.

Hi Ho!


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