When I went in to get her I worked a bit on getting her to feel me, and everytime I got her she would of course turn her butt to me..
So I figured I was not doing much but getting her good at turning her butt to me so I figured I needed to get her halter on her.
So I did and then I thought as we were heading out to the arena gate I would work a bit on her getting turned loose on the hind and then the front.
Well while I started doing this I noticed she was not really bent through her body, and this was showing up as her hind leg not reaching under her.
So I thought well let me try to get that hind leg reaching....
On the first feel with her the next thing I know she unloads with a solid kick to me...
So that horse, the one with no bend, was really a horse with a brace...
I notice the same thing Miss M. Miss M wont reach under herself when she is getting troubled...
Why because that is the brace showing up in her body..
She can not bend through her neck and body unless she is relaxed enough to do so....
The other thing I did was after that I went up to Garrods to turn out Miss M...
Now the last few times up there I rode her and while overall it was successful I thought why not this time, just walk her around and let her eat some grass...
Well during our little walk she got herself excited and all hepped up..
Well I of course wish that there was a way I could have prevented that from happening in the first place, but of course after it shows up you gotta work with it..
So we got to a point where she had let down a little so I walked her over to the pony arena and turned her out..
Well she was bucking and kicking at everything.
Every little noise or motion set her off...
Blast down the arena one way
Blast down the arena the other way
Spin, Spin Prance Snort Snort, blast off, snort..
Nothing I could not ride.. well duh I had ridden it! LOL...
Then after a bit she started to come down... and then the head tossing..
head sling, snort, walk, walk, snort, head sling....
So the head sling was not me...
It is because, she is troubled.. She is in-secure, she is nervous...She does not know what to expect... She does not feel safe...
Ok.. I can work with that...
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